powered by Rdio.com

Source types:
single track
Artist Station

Percentage of track completed:
x < 0.1
0.1 ≤ x < 0.45
0.45 ≤ x < 0.75
0.75 ≤ x ≤ 0.95
x > 0.95

Rdio Status:

Click the icon below the play button to cycle through Master behavior status:
  • aggressively steal master ↫
  • never steal master ↮
  • steal master on track transition ↭
  • steal master on source transition ↞

    The order of the users displayed is: Manual Most recent

    Hover to the left of the track name to reveal the play button
    . Play behavior:
    Jump in the middle of clicked track
    Jump to estimated listening point for clicked current tracks
    Play from source (album, playlist) if possible
         After a song, continue through source if possible
    After a song, always stop
    After a song, follow user history (partially implemented)
         Speak details between tracks (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
    After a song, sync to most recent across friends (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
         Speak details between tracks (NOT IMPLEMENTED)

  • OMG Knockout JS is the best thing ever for dyanimc pages. Moment.js makes all the time stuff way easier. Also, who could write a web page these days without Underscore? Also, jQuery.

    Shout out to eavesdrop.io for doing a great Rdio synced listening app first. Used it for a long time but finally wrote my own when I needed more features.

    If you notice some syncing between your friends, they're probably either using this app or over at an Rdio Party that you weren't invited to.

    last updated: March 23rd 2015