Villainous Imposer
information & glossary
This is a tool written mostly for myself, made available for others. It is focused on at-home, hobbiest printing for bookbinding (or pamphlets or zines)
All the processing is done on the client side- that means your work is entirely private. I need to figure out some CORS stuff (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) and then it should work saved to your computer/offline.
Imposition is the process of arranging multiple pages of a PDF onto a printed sheet so that they appear in the correct order after folding (some cutting may be involved)
Relevant terms, as used by this tool:
folio - a piece of paper with a single fold down the middle. part of a signature. made up of 4 pages. made up of 2 leaves
leaf - half of a folio. made up of 2 pages. if you were to "tear a page out of a book", you'd be tearing a leaf out
page - single page from the PDF, single page in the result. likely has a single page number on it
sheet - the piece of paper fed into your printer, has 2 sides
side - the front or back of a sheet of paper. The side with the lowest page number imposed on it is considered the 'front'
signature - one or more nested folios. sewn together to make a book. a single signature could make a pamphlet
1. Source PDF(s)
Details & Instructions
The PDFs should be a "straight" PDF - 1 PDF page should be 1 result page
Do not feed PDFs already exported as a "booklet" into this tool
Multiple PDFs can be used, but at least one is needed
If the PDFs are diffent sizes, the maximum dimensions are used
Each PDF can be preceeded by N
blank pages (default is 0
Page selection can be either all
(the default), ,
separated list of page numbers, a range defined via -
. Blank pages can be inserted via b
Invalid page numbers will be ignored, invalid input will cause an error
Working Input Details
What unit are those numbers in? Some says they're 'PDF units' -- see this page to learn about the PDF coordidate system! -- but a better answer would be to look back towards old school typesetting and learn about Points and Pica
Learn more about PDFs & units
2. PDF Manipulation
Cropping is to alter the PDF dimensions - negative values add white space while positive values cut into the PDF.
Rotation is about how the PDF pages are oriented relative to the spine.
Page A
is the 1st page of the completed, closed textblock while B
& C
are a sample spread (spine in the middle)
The rotation of the letters indicate how the pages would be oriented.
In most cases the 1st option is what is desired/expected, but there are reasons why you might want the others
(such as a Dwarsligger ("sleeper" or "crossbeam" in Dutch), calendars, Tweet-based texts, books for music, etc)
3. Printer Paper
This has to do with your machine and the paper you're feeding into it.
The paper margins are to add white space on the edges of the printed page in case you do not have a full-bleed printer. They are mirrored on either side - so a 10 pt
margin on the Long Sides will put a 10 pt
on both sides for a total of 20 pt
The Download Test Print
button will give you a zip file named vip_test_print
, which contains a PDF of same name. It looks at your selected paper size and flip orientation.
You should print this at 100% scale and then check several things - are you flipping correctly - how much of the corners are eaten away by printer margin (each white line and each black line are 1 pt a piece -- my printer eats 12pt on all sides) - what line weight & color you want for your various mark ups - and what kind of printer skew you're dealing with (more on that later)
Flip Paper
Paper Margins short sides cm long sides cm
4. Imposition Layout
This is how the PDF pages will be tiled on the printed page
Folios per Signature can take a single number (all signatures the same size) or a comma separated list of numbers of numbers for variable signature sizes (the sequence provided will be repeated if it does not account for all pages)
Folios per Signature: | |
5. PDF Placement
For PDF scaling:
Retains the original PDF sizing, which could potentially spill out and over onto other pages, resulting in overlapping the PDF content (there is no clipping)
Only the top
and inner
margins are considered. Positive values shift it down/away from the spine. Negative values shift it up/towards the spine.
Fit - Proportional
Maintains the original PDF aspect ratio, scaled down to fit into the space provided
Positive padding numbers push the PDF inward, makes it smaller. Negative padding pulls it out, making it larger. A padding of N
on one side and -N
on the other side of the PDF is the same as translating/shifting it. The PDF will scale such that it's small enough to honor the tightest constraints (ex: inner/outer margins that squeeze the PDF will override top/bottom margins that expand the PDF)
Fill - Stretch
Distors the PDF's aspect ratio, stretching it in both directions to fill the entire space allowed
Positive padding numbers push the PDF inward, makes it smaller. Negative padding pulls it out, making it larger. A padding of N
on one side and -N
on the other side of the PDF is the same as translating/shifting it.
6. Markup
When entering line weigh values, be aware that you can use decimals/go lower than 1
Fold lines (dashed) are for signature assembly - they will need to be cut at some point but it doesn't have to be right away (cut during textblock trimming)
Cut lines (solid) are for signature assembly - they need to be cut at time of fold up/sewing
Cut & Fold lines will only be marked on one side of the sheet. This is the "mountain" side of the fold - you should always be able to see the fold or cut line after the fold
Crosshairs are at every non-sheet-corner intersection and are meant to be very tiny visual guides to help with alignment/folding. They are on both sides of the sheet
7. Post-Processing
This is to address printer skew
8. Preview
There was an error
9 Download
Note that each signature as separate file
outputs full sheets -- if the imposition configuration has signatures that do not fill up entire sheets, the files downloaded will be full sheets and thus could contain extra folios
.pdf saving/persisting imposer settings not implemented yet
imposer does not yet work when saved locally